This year 2,181 people responded to the survey with their demographics, occupation, tools, data visualization focus, time spent, and frustrations. The full survey is here.
Since pandemic, people have been switching jobs to accomodate their change in routine, living situation, or life priorities. Whether it be in-person or remote, onboarding in a less social environment could feel pretty lonely. It's difficult to meet new people with similar interests. I used this survey data to compare people in the workplace and identify groups of people that have similar roles, years of experience, and industry.
1,560 of those respondents work as an employee. The chart below uses survey data from those who answered all of the following questions:
In which sectors does your organization operate?
What are your roles at your organization?
About how many years of professional experience do you have?
How much of your work at your organization involves data visualization?
It might be easy to find others if...
It might be hard to find others if...
For example... I work in the IT/private sector while roles in analytics and engineering. I have 4 years of experience and supplement my work with data visualization.
Drawn by Sarina Chen